3色抹茶ギフトセット 石庭デザインの箱付き| The 3Color Matcha Gift Set with Stone Garden Design Box
*Earliest delivery date is 9/13(Fri) (may require more days depending on delivery address).
*Tax included.
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*Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥5,000 will be free.
「3色抹茶 ギフトセット 石庭デザインの箱付き」は、日本の伝統と美しさを組み合わせた贈り物です。このセットには、3種類の抹茶が含まれており、それぞれ異なる味を楽しめるのが特徴です。また、石庭をイメージしたデザインの美しい箱が付いており、見た目も非常に洗練されています。
"The 3Color Matcha Gift Set with Stone Garden Design Box" is a wonderful choice as a gift, combining the traditions and beauty of Japan. This set includes three different types of matcha, each offering a unique flavor to enjoy. The beautifully designed box, inspired by a stone garden, adds an elegant touch.
This gift set is perfect for tea enthusiasts or anyone interested in Japanese culture. It's an ideal present for special occasions or for someone you cherish.